International Advisory Board for strengthening scientific cooperation established at the Latvian Academy of Culture
The International Advisory Board of the Institute of Culture and Arts of the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) is launched for strengthening scientific cooperation. The aim of the Advisory Board is to strengthen the links between the research initiatives of the LAC and the international scientific community. The Advisory Board's network of researchers will support access to global expertise for LAC scholars in several aspects: research priorities, interdisciplinary and innovative methodological solutions, research quality, ethics and other issues.
Advisory Board scientists will act as ambassadors to raise the profile of LAC’s scientific activities in global fora and international communities.
21 experts from universities and research centres in 15 countries have confirmed their participation in the Advisory Board. The International Advisory Board of the Institute of Culture and Arts has been established to strengthen and expand international scientific cooperation in the various thematic areas of research of the LCA, as well as to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and new initiatives in general. The Advisory Board is designed as a network of loosely connected thematic groups, which would allow scientists to develop targeted communication and exchange of ideas.
Most of the experts have already established long-term cooperation with LAC researchers in various research projects and academic work. Among the experts is Simon J. Bronner, Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, with whom the collaboration was established in the research monograph "Song and Dance Celebration: Anatomy of Tradition” (2018). Chris Whitehead, Professor of Museology at the University of Newcastle, UK, under whose guidance the LCA researchers participated in the Horizon 2020 funded project "CoHERE: Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe" (2016-2019), as well as other researchers with whom there is active collaboration in current research projects. Internationally renowned researchers have also agreed to work on the thematic strand of culture and creative industries, such as the renowned culture and creative industries researcher Nancy Duxbury (University of Coimbra, Portugal), with whom LAC researchers are currently working together in the Horizon Europe project "In SITU: Place-based Innovation for Culture and Creative Industries in Non-Urban Areas" (2022-2026).
Several thematic groups will be set up: cultural and creative industries, cultural education and youth research, cultural heritage, performing arts, audiovisual research, etc.
The international network of experts will be gradually expanded.