When it comes to accessibility of cultural events, we usually think of accessibility for people with mobility impairments, but accessibility is a comprehensive concept: accessible websites and their content, accessible transport, subtitles for the deaf, audio descriptions for the blind, transcripts, sign language translations and other tools, which ensure the availability of services. Accessibility should enable all people an equal access to various forms of art whether of audiovisual content, theatre, cinema, visual arts and other cultural events.[1]
A 2017 study carried out by the project initiators the Wrocław Cultural Centre shows that, despite clear guidelines for making culture accessible to people with disabilities, it is also necessary to provide appropriate qualifications and skills for those cultural professionals who would adapt the current offer to the needs of the people with hearing and visual impairments.
The project partners are convinced that every citizen of the EU has the right to equality, non-discrimination and the opportunity to take an active part in cultural activities, which can only be achieved through the representatives of cultural institutions by ensuring that audio descriptions and subtitles are available in all cultural events and for all cultural products.
The main goal of the project:
To improve the qualifications and skills of the culture employees in adjusting the cultural offer and creating audio description and subtitles for cultural consumers with hearing and visual impairments.
The project will implement the following tasks:
The project will host several workshops and seminars in all project partner countries on audio description and subtitling for cultural events in the fields of audiovisual art, visual art and performing arts.
The project is implemented with the support of the EU ERASMUS+ programme funding.
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1 Veckalne, A. “Kultūras un audiovizuālās informācijas pieejamība cilvēkiem ar dažādiem traucējumiem Latvijā un pasaulē.” Pieejams: https://www.delfi.lv/vina/personiba-un-brivais-laiks/aktuali/kulturas-un-audiovizualas-informacijas-pieejamiba-cilvekiem-ar-dazadiem-traucejumiem-latvija-un-pasaule.d?id=52735503
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ strategic partnerships (KA 204)
PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081834
DURATION: 01/10/2020 – 30/09/2022
PROJECT COORDINATORS at the LAC: Kristīne Bramberga, kristine.bramberga@lka.edu.lv, Dainis Juraga dainis.juraga@lka.edu.lv
PROJECT LEADER: Wroclaw Culture Centre (Centrum Kultury Wroclaw Zachod) (PL)
PARTNERS: Latvian Academy of Culture (Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija) (LV), Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations (Viešoji įstaiga Kauno įvairių tautų kultūrų centras) (LT), DOREA Educational Institute in Cyprus (CY), REPLIKA Educational Theater Center (Asociația Culturală Replika) (RO)